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Unearthing intelligence: Exploring deep insights within fintech, ESG trends, and our innovative solutions for a sustainable future

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Unearthing intelligence: Exploring deep insights within fintech, ESG trends, and our innovative solutions for a sustainable future

February Breakfast Briefing - Leveraging AI in Sustainable Finance
Neural Alpha HQ was a flurry of activity on Tuesday 18th February as we hosted our first ever breakfast event - a networking morning with two presentations and roundtable discussion. the event was a great success so we'll be running similar events on other topics in the near future.
February Breakfast Briefing - Leveraging AI in Sustainable Finance
ESG Investor interview - "Appeal of AI in ESG Analysis Grows"
In a wide ranging interview with ESG Investor recently our CEO James Phare shared his thoughts about the challenges, opportunities and costs & opportunity costs of AI adoption. James covered many points including model choice, use cases, architectural choices and lessons from bespoke consultancy projects and our own Responsible Capital AI ESG product.
ESG Investor interview - "Appeal of AI in ESG Analysis Grows"

Does Board Independence Matter for Performance? It’s Complicated
The importance (or not) of board independence for performance. And using Responsible Capital Disclosure Assistant for ESG-enhanced smart beta investing approaches
Does Board Independence Matter for Performance? It’s Complicated

Case Studies
The Connectivity Hub
Neural Alpha is working with the Stockholm Environment Institute to build out a knowledge-graph-based connectivity tool that leverages its expertise in large language models (LLMs) and data engineering to add value to heterogeneous data sets of research and other scholarly articles.
The Connectivity Hub

Tesla's diminishing Impact Reports
Recently we decided to take a brief look at Tesla's (NASDAQ: TSLA) sustainability disclosures using our AI platform Responsible Capital. Tesla are renowned under the leadership of Elon Musk for being unafraid to be different and not follow the crowd and so we wanted to see how well our AI could perform extracting key metrics from PDF format sustainability reports for quantitative comparisons over a period of a few years.
Tesla's diminishing Impact Reports

Neural Alpha Joins the World Benchmarking Alliance
We are thrilled to announce we have joined the World Benchmarking Alliance to support their fantastic work constructing open access benchmarks and enabling positive change for corporates and financial institutions through best-in-class data and analysis.
Neural Alpha Joins the World Benchmarking Alliance

Preparing investors for new sustainable bond standards using AI
Sustainable bonds, one of the fastest growing segments of the debt capital market, are used globally as a financing source for a wide range of issuers, including green renewable energy companies, sovereigns and supranationals, and brown corporate issuers seeking to transition some or all of their business operations.
Preparing investors for new sustainable bond standards using AI

Uncovering potential ESG blindspots using AI in the Mars-Kellanova acquisition
Shares in the maker of Pringles surged nearly 20% last week after Mars announced it was considering taking over the $27bn US food giant Kellanova to create a $60bn total revenue behemoth.
Uncovering potential ESG blindspots using AI in the Mars-Kellanova acquisition

Nawar Alsaadi joins Neural Alpha advisory board
Nawar Alsaadi, CEO and Founder of Kanata Advisors, has joined Neural Alpha in an advisory capacity.
Nawar Alsaadi joins Neural Alpha advisory board

Harnessing Responsible Capital’s physical asset data for ESG reporting
In today's world, businesses are not just measured by their financial performance; they are also scrutinised for their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.
Harnessing Responsible Capital’s physical asset data for ESG reporting

The Rising Wave of Venture Capital Investment in Nature and Biodiversity
In recent years, the importance of preserving our natural environment and biodiversity has come to the forefront of global consciousness.
The Rising Wave of Venture Capital Investment in Nature and Biodiversity
Deploying an AI-ESG copilot to assess the Nature Action 100 Company Benchmark Indicators
In late April the Nature Action 100 announced the release of their Company Benchmark Indicators - 50 metrics across 17 sub-indicators and 6 overarching indicators.
Deploying an AI-ESG copilot to assess the Nature Action 100 Company Benchmark Indicators

How to handle natural growth
James Phare, CEO of Neural Alpha, describes how AI can be used to understand the system-level risks arising from the UN’s Global Biodiversity Framework.
How to handle natural growth

Automating Human Rights Assessments with AI
Join us for an exciting webinar where we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and human rights compliance.
Automating Human Rights Assessments with AI

TNFD's success depends on connected and contextual data
Technological innovations will be key to ensuring 'early adopter' TNFD reporting companies provide useful nature-related information.
TNFD's success depends on connected and contextual data
Good Business Charter
Neural Alpha is delighted to announce that it has joined companies such as Aviva, TSB and Schroders Personal Wealth, in signing up to the Good Business Charter, an accreditation that raises the bar on business practices for employees, tax, the environment, customers and suppliers.
Good Business Charter

Environmental Finance Future of ESG Data 2023 post event reflections
Reflections on 2023 Future of ESG Data Conference
Environmental Finance Future of ESG Data 2023 post event reflections

Working with Neural Alpha - the perspective of Climate VC
Listen to the thoughts of a leading European climate VC who are targeting a gigatonne impact in emissions reductions through investing in early stage climate startups and cutting edge innovations within the Energy, carbon removal, insurance, food systems and other sectors.
Working with Neural Alpha - the perspective of Climate VC

Case Studies
Showcasing our ability to deliver sophisticated backend infrastructures, Neural Alpha delivered the database, ETLs and API powering Lucida’s advanced supply chain and deforestation analysis.

Case Studies
Utilising our expertise in knowledge graphs, supply chains and sustainability, Neural Alpha was the obvious choice to help Refinitiv explore proof of concept applications of their Big Open Linked Data (BOLD) platform to ESG use-cases

Case Studies
Minderoo - plastic waste makers index
Working with a number of global partners, Neural Alpha led the development and data engineering on the novel supply chain mapping behind the inaugural Plastic Waste Makers Index.
Minderoo - plastic waste makers index
Case Studies
Orbitas / climate advisors trust
Employing our strong data engineering and data integration capabilities, Neural Alpha helped to deliver the Orbitas platform and landmark report on the climate transition risks of agriculture.
Orbitas / climate advisors trust
Case Studies
WWF-UK financed deforestation analysis
Neural Alpha provided an analysis on the scale and channels of UK financial sector exposure (both direct and indirect) to deforestation risk in Indonesian palm and Brazilian soy and beef, as WWF sought to strength commitments in the UK Environment Bill.
WWF-UK financed deforestation analysis
Case Studies
Responsible Capital (RC) news screen
RC News Screen is a comprehensive ESG research tool with global data coverage and features like sentiment analysis, ESG concept identification, and geotagged contextual information for precise ESG engagement and investment strategies.
Responsible Capital (RC) news screen
Case Studies
Responsible Capital (RC) disclosure assistant
Analysing financial and sustainability disclosures is key to effective ESG Integration however with ever changing standards, guidance, formats and exponentially growing volumes this is proving a challenge for ESG teams with limited resources. Enter Machine Learning, Large Language Models (LLMs) and Neural Alpha’s Disclosure Assistant.
Responsible Capital (RC) disclosure assistant
Case Studies
Responsible Capital (RC) physical assets
RC Physical Assets provides a global dataset that links physical assets to companies, enabling professionals to analyse environmental risks, biodiversity impacts, and evidence compliance with ESG regulations. The solution supports portfolio and asset-level ESG risk analysis using spatial data overlays and contextual information, benefiting various industries and regulatory requirements.
Responsible Capital (RC) physical assets
Case Studies
Leveraging geospatial data for ESG analysis
Discover how Neural Alpha, in partnership with Vivid Economics (McKinsey) and Natural History Museum (NHM) have developed a cutting-edge geospatial dataset. This transformative resource connects companies to physical assets, enabling rapid analysis of ESG risks like biodiversity intactness.
Leveraging geospatial data for ESG analysis

Analysing ESG Materiality using theoretical and empirical data sources
Materiality was again in the spotlight recently with launch of IFRS sustainability disclosure standards S1 & S2. Whilst the standards were generally welcomed as a significant step in creating a global baseline for corporate sustainability disclosures grounded in the best practices of accounting standards it was seen as controversial in some quarters. In a large part this was due to its approach to dealing with materiality and more specifically ‘double materiality’ — something largely avoided in the standards according to critics. Proponents highlight the mantra that “what can be measured can be managed” when suggesting that focusing on single materiality / materiality should be the priority for disclosing organisations and is thus the focus of these standards. Double materiality encompasses not just sustainability risks which impact a company’s financial performance but the degree to which that company’s products and activities impact the wider world — a philosophy more adopted in European standards such as in the work of EFRAG.
Analysing ESG Materiality using theoretical and empirical data sources

Due diligence towards deforestation-free finance
In this webinar, Ben Levett discusses how to apply deforestation due diligence guidance and how Trase Finance data products can power commodity trader assessments.
Due diligence towards deforestation-free finance
Case Studies
The ForestIQ beta brings together policy, disclosure and commitment data for over 500 organisations with links to the commodity supply chains linked to tropical deforestation including, soy, beef, leather, palm oil, timber and pulp/paper.

Case Studies
Trase Finance
Neural Alpha leveraged our leading experience in the fields of connected data and finance to build a solution which made use of graph data. This technology allowed us to efficiently model the supply chain and financial links between entities as well as to flexibly query the data to provide in depth insights to users.
Trase Finance
Case Studies
The Baltic Exchange
In 2019 Neural Alpha was commissioned to build a bespoke data platform for The Baltic Exchange which would become the base of all activities related to the publication of the Baltic Exchange’s financial benchmarks and derivatives. Additionally Neural Alpha developed a quality control system within BDP that is able to tackle the challenge of benchmark validation in a market with the unique challenges of ocean freight: unpredictable liquidity, extremely high volatility, and highly siloed market activity, with often restricted information. BDP deploys a battery of univariate and multivariate tests to be able to assess the contributors to The Baltic Exchange’s indices for quality, relevance, and conformity to expected standards.
The Baltic Exchange
How location data can support financial due diligence for deforestation risk
Trase data estimates where a trader (and, by proxy, downstream companies that are customers of that trader) has significant exposure to a biome that is on a financial institutions’ exclusion list, subject to specific bank policy requirements (such as certification), or more broadly deemed an environmentally ‘sensitive’ location requiring more detailed screening.
How location data can support financial due diligence for deforestation risk
Sustainable finance taxonomies
In this webinar hosted by ISKO, Neural Alpha founder James Phare and ESG Researcher Dan Burke-Ward discuss the role of taxonomies in sustainable finance and how the Neural Alpha product suite centralises taxonomies for interoperability and reporting and the connection of various data types.
Sustainable finance taxonomies

Toward sustainable finance in Asia: Due diligence and deforestation
In this webinar, Ben Levett discusses why location-specific analysis is so important for proper deforestation due diligence and outlines how Trase Finance can help conduct TNFD LEAP-FI style assessments of commodity traders.
Toward sustainable finance in Asia: Due diligence and deforestation

Announcement on winning ESG investing award
ESG Investing Awards Winners & Finalists 2023
Announcement on winning ESG investing award
Case Studies
Aquila Capital - an enhanced Data Strategy & vision
Neural Alpha developed a new bespoke Real Assets Investment Management database and software application to automate key processes within the lifecycle of hydro, wind, solar, forestry and farmland portfolios
Aquila Capital - an enhanced Data Strategy & vision

The ESG Events Newsletter for December 2022
At Neural Alpha, we have been thinking about Air and Water pollution at sea. This notoriously challenging topic to track has profound ESG implications. Our new product, Responsible Capital News Screen, examines news stories worldwide (and at sea!) to identify reported ESG Events, such as bilge dumping, oil spills or stranded vessels. News screen identifies mentioned physical assets as well as their owners, enabling ESG professionals within asset management, banking and corporates to incorporate news flow into universe construction, monitoring & engagement, due diligence / screening and risk management requirements at scale without compromising on precision and context.
The ESG Events Newsletter for December 2022

The Inaugural ESG Event Newsletter for November 2022
This blog is the first in a monthly series of free to subscribe newsletters covering the month’s most significant global ESG events, achievements, announcements, incidents, scandals and controversies powered by Responsible Capital News Screen. News Screen is an innovative, new data product launched by the team at Neural Alpha enabling ESG professionals within asset management, banking and corporates to incorporate news flow into universe construction, monitoring & engagement, due diligence / screening and risk management requirements at scale without compromising on precision and context. News Screen covers not only negative news flow but also positive news flow with reference to major company achievements, discoveries, inventions and other sustainability solutions covered by our models.
The Inaugural ESG Event Newsletter for November 2022
The challenges of investor engagement in Paraguay
Paraguay is often overlooked in the deforestation debate despite hosting some of the highest rates in the world over the past decade. For 2019, Trase tracked over 200,000 hectares of deforestation associated with beef and soy exports in 2019 – an area larger than Greater London. This low profile has resulted in too little scrutiny of the finance linked to soft commodity trade and allowed financial institutions to skimp on the type of country and biome level policy commitments often applied to higher profile locations.
The challenges of investor engagement in Paraguay

FCA green fintech participation
In October 2018, we launched the pilot Green FinTech Challenge to support innovation and growth in the green finance sector as part of the Government’s Green Great Britain Week.
FCA green fintech participation

Deforestation in the Chaco
As part of UKSIF's Good Money Week, Planet Tracker and Trase Finance come together to explore what actions investors and lenders can take to mitigate the risk of financing deforestation, with the case study of the Gran Chaco.
Deforestation in the Chaco
How forest-friendly are ESG funds?
Over 400 ESG funds run by asset managers such as Blackrock, State Street and Northern Trust are financing commodity traders who are linked to deforestation, according to analysis by Trase Finance.
How forest-friendly are ESG funds?
Deforestation-risk green finance – more khaki than emerald
Trase assesses the pros and cons of recent moves into green finance by commodity traders.
Deforestation-risk green finance – more khaki than emerald

Moving beyond commitments : How to start eliminating deforestation from investor portfolios
Trase Finance uses supply chain modelling to allocate annual commodity-specific deforestation risk in hectares to investors based on their total equity ownership in commodity traders exposed to deforestation via investing subsidiaries and fund shareholdings. For the first time this allows for a quantifiable and robust way to rank asset managers according to their exposure to deforestation risk.
Moving beyond commitments : How to start eliminating deforestation from investor portfolios
Why transparent company data should be on your product roadmap
In this webinar Neural Alpha CEO James Phare joined partners OpenCorporates to discuss the importance of open company data in due diligence and other requirements.
Why transparent company data should be on your product roadmap

Natural capital: mapping depletion
It is critical that institutional investors take action to halt the global loss of biodiversity. In this session James Phare presented alongside UNPRI, UNEP-WCMC & Caisse des Dépôts Group practical guidance, data and software tools investors can use to identify and manage spatially explicit natural capital risks within their portfolios.
Natural capital: mapping depletion

Can investors save the Amazon?
Some of the world's biggest investors have been linked to deforestation of crucial habitats like the Amazon Rainforest. Can they use their financial might to stop deforestation in its tracks?
Can investors save the Amazon?

Amazon deforestation has surged to a 12-year high – this is how to make a difference, wherever you are
This nightmare can often seem a million miles away, but its implications for us all will be profound
Amazon deforestation has surged to a 12-year high – this is how to make a difference, wherever you are

Moving beyond the ESG scores and transparency of ESG data
James Phare presented the opening address of UKSIFs conference touching on Neural Alpha's view of the future of ESG data and the role ESG scores will play within this.
Moving beyond the ESG scores and transparency of ESG data

Graphs in sustainable finance
In this webinar, James presented some of Neural Alpha's work using Graph Databases and other connected data technologies to analyse ESG risks such as deforestation.
Graphs in sustainable finance

Investors take a stand against Amazon deforestation
Investors take a stand against Amazon deforestation

Tech paves way for transparency in supply chains
Consumers and investors demand to know the provenance of purchases and investments
Tech paves way for transparency in supply chains

CEO James Phare to speak at Semantic Data 2024
In today's business landscape, the strategic advantage of corporations often hinges on the strategic collection, handling, storage, and analysis of data.
CEO James Phare to speak at Semantic Data 2024

The key technology behind Neural Alpha's Disclosure Assistant
Our Responsible Capital Disclosure Assistant product uses Retrieval Augmented Generation to enable lenders and investors to analyse portfolio companies and their investment universe when performing ESG Assessments at scale for comprehensive frameworks such as TNFD. Structured datasets constructed using our toolkit can be used to rank and score companies and to develop bespoke internal ESG ratings if desired.
The key technology behind Neural Alpha's Disclosure Assistant
Innovation/invention of the year: Trase Finance
Trase Finance – a collaboration between fintech company Neural Alpha, international non-profit research and policy organisation the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and NGO Global Canopy – seeks to identify second-order environmental impacts in supply chains, enabling transparency and shedding light on the hidden risks and opportunities that can materially influence financial and non-financial performance.
Innovation/invention of the year: Trase Finance
Announcement on winning environmental finance award
Trase Finance – a collaboration between fintech company Neural Alpha, international non-profit research and policy organisation the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and NGO Global Canopy – seeks to identify second-order environmental impacts in supply chains, enabling transparency and shedding light on the hidden risks and opportunities that can materially influence financial and non-financial performance.
Announcement on winning environmental finance award
Want to read more?
Neural Alpha carefully collates relevant information and conducts in-depth research to provide insights for our brands that use our products and services.

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