Orbitas / climate advisors trust
Orbitas / climate advisors trust
Client’s name / industry
Climate Advisers - NGO
Products / Services
Orbitas is a center of excellence that examines climate transition risks for capital providers financing tropical commodities. Orbitas is an initiative established by Climate Advisers Trust(CAT).
Result statistics
Working alongside a global multidisciplinary team of Economists, Scientists and environmental thought leaders Neural Alpha helped to deliver the Orbitas platform and landmark report on the climate transition risks of agriculture.
Our expert Data Engineering, Data Science and financial data strategy and management capabilities helped to surface several key findings including:
- 76% of Indonesia’s unplanted concessions are at risk of becoming stranded assets.
- $19 billion is the annual emissions costs for tropical agriculture companies
- 286-604 million hectares of global agricultural land will be converted to forest by 2050 compared to BAU
“This report breaks new ground by illuminating how inevitable responses to today’s climate crisis will impact global agriculture sectors. The first-of-its-kind economic and financial analysis presented here demonstrates that those associated with the $1.5 trillion global market for agricultural commodities must proactively manage so-called ‘climate transitions’ ”
To identify best-in-class sources of financial and environmental data for physical assets linked to tropical agriculture in high-risk locations including concession locations, ownership structures and financing structures.
Neural Alpha employed our strong data engineering and data integration capabilities, all the time in continuous collaboration with the customer as requirements evolved and problems and solutions became more clearly defined.
Neural Alpha were able to deliver the data requirements, modelling and analytical solutions for the key report Agriculture in the age of climate transitions to time and budget.
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