Good Business Charter

Good Business Charter
Neural Alpha is delighted to announce that it has joined companies such as Aviva, TSB and Schroders Personal Wealth, in signing up to the Good Business Charter, an accreditation that raises the bar on business practices for employees, tax, the environment, customers and suppliers.

We recognise we live in a world where corporate responsibility and ethical business practices are increasingly connected, with stakeholders seeking a fairer society and corporations to be more ethical and responsible in how they conduct their business activities. It has never been more important for businesses to build trust and show that they care about more than just profit. For Neural Alpha this accreditation brings together these values under one roof such that we can demonstrate genuine leadership as a small business working within the sustainable fintech space.
The Good Business Charter is a national accreditation, recognising organisations that make commitments to fostering a workplace environment that not only thrives economically but also prioritises social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and ethical governance. We at Neural Alpha consider this as conducting business in a responsible and fair manner at all levels within the organisation having a positive impact on all stakeholders.

This is achieved by the Good Business Charter bringing together a set of Ten Components, each representing a crucial aspect of responsible business practices concerning human capital, diversity and inclusion, the environment, corporate governance, commitments to clients, ethical sourcing and fair contracts with suppliers.
The Good Business Charter represents a pivotal moment in corporate responsibility. The Ten Components challenge businesses to transcend traditional profit-driven models and embrace a holistic approach that considers the well-being of employees, the community, and the planet. As more organisations join the Good Business Charter movement, the positive change it will bring will undoubtedly shape the future of business. By being a member of the Good Business Charter, Neural Alpha is demonstrating to its stakeholders the importance of corporate responsibility in its own business activities.
In conclusion, the Good Business Charter is not just a stamp of approval; it's a commitment to a better world. It's a call to action for businesses to be more than just profit engines but to be responsible stewards of society, contributing to a sustainable and inclusive future for all. Embracing the Good Business Charter is not just good for business; it's good for people, the planet, and the promise of a better tomorrow. We continue to strive for more sustainable and responsible business practices where ever possible and this is our first initiative to kick off 2024 with many more to come!
The Good Business Charter exists for all UK companies, charities and public sector organisations across all industries and sectors.
The Charter is an initiative developed and overseen by the Good Business Foundation, an independent charity established by entrepreneur Julian Richer. Working with organisations including the TUC, IoD and FSB, they have set a benchmark for responsible business practice, which is accessible to all.
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